GENUS® | Business
The Business module in GENUS® offers an area of enhanced functionality designed to help with more complex areas of the industry. Areas such as portfolio reconciliation and the display and interrogation of all industry data can be found here. Data correction wizards will help to realign your asset data while the portfolio manager allows profit and loss reporting down to meter level. A full debtor management module can also be found here which allows for a series of configurable processes to be managed.

What's included?
Debtor Manager module incorporating an accounts ledger with displayed transactions
Full Direct Debit management
Import of all Xoserve invoice formats
Correction wizards for data realignment and missing data
Automated checking of invoices for rate misalignment
Full P&L capabilities
A full series of configurable debtor management processes
Fully AUDDIS compliant
Graphical easy to view data tables
Automated checking of invoices for energy abnormalities