Season’s Greetings!
It’s been a great year for the team at Datamere. We’ve seen huge changes over the past 12 months; we’ve moved offices, restructured our business to move the support function, redesigned our website, launched Supplier 360© and continued with the development of much of the new functionality within GENUS©. 2019 will see more of the same with lots of changes in the pipeline.
We are reviewing our support desk to ensure that all clients are getting the correct type of support (such as industry support) as well as launching GENUS© Gas and Power, our dual fuel system which is fully DTN compatible. Our new Sales module will also launch in January 2019 as will the new meter read services and partial reconciliation services being offered by the managed services team at Datamere.
We’re also looking to produce a series of video tutorials to cover GENUS© demos and investigating a live chat option for support. We will be sure to keep you updated with any new developments during the year and from January we will be instigating a monthly call to discuss any issues and support calls logged during the month.
Please let us know the correct contact person in your organisation to manage this call by emailing We will then be in touch on a monthly basis from January 2019. We will be closing our offices on Monday 24th December at 12.30 and remain closed on Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day. Normal support and managed services will be available at all other times. We’d like to take this opportunity to wish all of our friends and colleagues a very Happy Christmas and Best Wishes for 2019.
Are you using GENUS© Workflow?
Our team at DMS made the change to using the workflow module a year ago and have never looked back! There was a certain amount of work involved with getting the triggers set up correctly and checking that nothing was being missed but we estimate that by using the module we have become around 50% more efficient. We’ve written a case study which details using the module in more detail; if you would like to receive a copy please email with your request and we’ll send you the details. We can also assist with online training sessions or visit your offices to help you get the module up and running. If you’re interested in learning more please don’t hesitate to get in touch with the team on 01625 525033.
Client Support Survey
Now that the support desk has been relocated within Datamere, it’s time to understand more about how we’re doing, what is working well and where we can make improvements. We will be circulating a survey to all Datamere and DMS clients and will be using the feedback and results to tailor our service and support in the future months. The survey will be emailed to all of our main contacts but please also circulate it amongst your teams to ensure that we get a good cross section of results from across each business. We can only improve our services if you help us identify areas of concern and different operators will have different requirements. Additionally, we are looking to update our primary and secondary contacts for all our clients. Please email with your up to date details so we can update our details.
Unidentified Gas
Unidentified gas has been causing huge headaches for shippers and suppliers over the past year with Xoserve establishing a UIG Task Force to try and get to the bottom of why the amount of UIG has fluctuated so hugely since the advent of Nexus. Volatility and larger than expected volumes have caused huge issues particularly on a forecasting and cash flow basis, so much so that funding for the UIG Task Force was granted in July 18 and the project is now working towards phase 7 to try and ascertain the reasons why there is so much volatility. If you want to read the latest findings from Xoserve visit their website