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Winter 2021

Updated: Jan 18, 2023

Latest news from Datamere

Quarterly Round Up from the Datamere Team

Such a difficult few months in the energy industry with so many of our colleagues and friends being affected by the recent supplier losses; the spiralling prices are unprecedented and as result we see the market shrinking dramatically again with many of our colleagues being affected by no fault of their own. We’ve been so sorry to see established supply business’ having to cease and see their customers moving away.

It's very positive news that Datamere have not been adversely affected by the recent failures as some of our competitors have not fared quite so well in this difficult marketplace. Our strategy for 2022 and beyond remains on track and we have some exciting innovations planned for the future months.

The focus within the business remains the same. Faster Switching is very much at the forefront of our planning to ensure that we are ready for this far-reaching industry change. We are working closely with one supplier and SwitchStream to ensure that the system is ready; it may seem a long way in the future but because the changes are so significant, they have a huge impact within GENUS© in many areas of the system. This will also affect the managed services team and we’ll be working on our new processes in the coming months to ensure we can continue to offer the same level of service.

Gareth Davies has joined the business to help on our path with electricity knowledge and a few members of the team have been promoted 😊

GENUS© continues on its journey through electricity supply accreditation. The system has now been rubber stamped as being able to send and receive all of the necessary DTN flows required by a supplier and is now being used in the Controlled Market Entry (CME) process. This means that future suppliers who go through the accreditation process can have confidence that GENUS© meets the system assessment criteria.

We’ve also found the time to welcome two new clients over the past few months, one as a GENUS© direct client and one to Managed Services. In a time when supplier numbers are declining it’s a real boost when GENUS© continues to outweigh the competition, particularly in a tender process.

It’s been a tough 6 months in the world of energy and unfortunately this is likely to continue well into 2022. We’d like to take this opportunity to wish you well for the festive period and into 2022. With very best wishes from all the team at Datamere 🎅🤶


Whilst there is plenty of ongoing GENUS© development such as the Faster Switching changes, we just wanted to take this opportunity to remind all clients that there is a whole raft of additional GENUS© functionality which may be of use to your business.

Much of this does sit behind a chargeable switch but if you are curious about whether any of this could help speed up your processes or allow for better cashflow we would be happy to arrange a free trial in your UAT version.

Please email if you would like a trial of anything. To see the full list, you can navigate to system config, switches, other switches and contact us if you need more information on any area.

Some of the most popular switches are Advanced Billing (which allows sites to be billed in advance from their supply start date and then reconciled) and auto registration/confirmation. Detailed work also continues on our P&L reconciliation which will allow the reconciliation of industry invoices. We expect this to be ready in Spring 2022 and will provide full details in due course.


We have recently added some new development around final bills which should significantly speed up invoicing and billing runs. In many cases, the final read date doesn’t match the contract end date in GENUS© which until now has meant the contract end date had to be physically changed in order to produce the final bill.

New development available in system configuration, system, module preferences, billing allows an option whereby allowing the extra days will allow the bill to generate and pick up the final reads.

If you need any help with the new functionality which can also allow you to exclude any standing charges and bill for energy only, please contact Happy billing 😊


Just a reminder to all clients that while we will always endeavour to answer support queries as quickly as we can, this will be dependent upon the severity of the call being logged. Our support team always consider the effects of the issue any try and respond in a time frame which correlates.

Our support team are available on the 29, 30, 31st December from 9 – 4pm (3pm on the 31st) Please email any issues in the normal way.


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