Datamere Grand Prix
The competitive spirit was alive and kicking for the Datamere Grand Prix that we held back in August for our Summer day out.
There were a few casualties along the way, (Ray our accountant was even run off the road by a very competitive Elliot) but the whole team had a great day and thoroughly enjoyed the event. The supreme champion on the day was… Simon (we had to let him win 😊) with second place taken by Paul and runner up was James.
The day was rounded off with an evening out in Worcester including a meal and various dancing venues. A few sore heads the next morning but everyone agreed it was great fun, so much so that we have decided to make this an annual event.
We plan to visit different karting venues around the country so please let us have your recommendations for next year!

DCC Compliance
The date for compliance is now upon us (passed!) and many of our suppliers have been in touch and have been preparing for the necessary audits required in order to be able to send the relevant communications via the DCC. BEIS has recently confirmed that the DCC Opt-out for non-domestic smart metering has now been removed and that the standard license conditions will be amended to reflect this er-consultation-on-non-domestic-smart-meteringthe-dcc-opt-out.
In a nutshell this means that there is no opt out for SME suppliers and that all smart meter communications will have to go via the DCC in the years to come. TMA are able to offer web portal connectivity to the DCC Adapter and if you haven’t chosen a provider contact for more details.
GENUS© Sales Module
We’ve taken the decision to fully re-write the Sales Module within GENUS© which does mean the release date has been pushed back towards the end of the year. Whilst we do try to avoid delaying new functionality and release dates, in this case we are confident that the extended development time will allow us to properly fine tune the module.
We will also be able to cater for some of the requests we have received to simplify the module and processes within while still retaining the granularity of data that is required by some users.
Ofgem New Supplier Review
Ofgem have announced a major review into the new entrant supply process as part of their forward work programme, the first review since 2003. The industry has seen huge changes over the past two decades and the supplier in a box route has been questioned by many as to whether it provides a good enough grounding for those entering the industry for the first time. With our Supplier 360 product, the service is designed to offer help and support with all aspects of software, flow management and front and back office, but the onus to understand the industry, charges and processes does ultimately sit with the supplier themselves.
Supplier 360 will help get you to market and we’ll provide you with all the tools necessary to manage your business day to day but we will clearly point out your responsibilities as a supplier. It will be interesting to read Ofgem’s findings when they are published.
Datamere Support
Some of you may have already seen a copy of the new support reports that the DMS team are in the process of creating. These new reports are designed to give all clients visibility of any support calls that are logged over a 2-month period.
The reports cover any new development requests, bug fixes and general support queries that are logged with the support team with details of the closure date, fix details and any other relevant information. Hopefully having all of the information together in one place will prove to be beneficial for all parties. Additionally, within the report we’ll be providing you with some handy hints and tips for getting the very best out of GENUS© on a daily basis. For example, did you know that when you use the search box in GENUS©, certain prefixes will tailor the results for you. Use: ‘#S’ to search for a Site Reference Number, ‘#C’ for Client Name, and ‘#MP’ to search for a Meter Point Reference.
Using the prefixes will make the results load much more quickly. Please let us know if you have any feedback when you receive your reports – It’s been almost a year now since DMS took over the management of the support desk in our attempt to provide a more comprehensive support function for our many GENUS© users. Marcia Cox, who many of you will have spoken to, is proving to be fantastic at cracking the whip to ensure that queries are dealt with in a timely fashion!
One of our next focus areas are a series of recorded tutorials that will be available in the secure section of our website and will cover areas such as meter exchanges (ONJOBS), meter read rejections and AQ corrections.