Fully accredited system
Accreditation and qualification support
Support available until the completion of CME
Managed service available
Perfect to manage distributed assets via the DTN
Configurable modules – buy only what you need
GENUS® GridFlo is the perfect option for organisations that wish to access the Balancing Mechanism in order to trade and maximise profitability of distributed assets. In order to access the UK Balancing Mechanism, organisations have to register as a SVA ‘supplier’ and this is where Datamere can help.
Entering and trading on the Balancing Mechanism requires the participant to invest in accredited software to ensure it is meeting its industry obligations – and this is where GENUS® GridFlo comes in! We’ve pared down our flagship software, GENUS®, to create GridFlo which provides access to operate in the SVA market. You’ll be able to manage the necessary industry flows in order to oversee your assets and review your data. This option is popular with those suppliers who are generating renewable exports and are looking for the best possible return, as power is increasingly traded at more profitable margins.
Along with the accredited version of GridFlo, Datamere can also provide the accreditation support needed to enter the SVA market. You’ll be allocated your own project manager who will guide you through the entire process.
Alongside GENUS® GridFlo we also offer a market entry service for those exploring becoming an AMVLP (Asset Metering Virtual Lead Party) within the Balancing Mechanism. In conjunction with our partner Enegen Power Systems we can provide a comprehensive end to end solution for an AMVLP market entrant providing the support needed for all the appropriate P and D Flows. We can provide a comprehensive end to end solution for an AMVLP market entrant providing the support needed for all the appropriate P and D Flows.
An AMVLP market entry accreditiation service is also available and Enegen and Datamere will provide the required testing with Elexon.
For more information about AMVLPs please CLICK HERE.